Bespoke Digital Design

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Aug 2013
Web Design for Musicians

We see new musicians surfacing from the U.K almost every day, some with the same style of famous musicians and some who try to be original. But what can help you stand out from other musicians?

Websites allow you to keep your fans up to date with what you are doing whether that's through a blog, videos, photos or news. By keeping your fans up to date it make them feel as if they are more involved in your life. This will help to also build your fan base as existing fans tell their friends about the things you get up to. Nielsen recently conducted a study that found that 54% of people are more likely to make a purchase based off a positive recommendation from a friend.

As musicians around you compete for fans would you not want the upper hand? So why is it so important to interact with fans? There are three reasons:
1. Keeps fans aware of you,
2. Solidifies relationships with fans and
3. Creates "super fans".


The biggest reason to interact with your fans is to simply keep them aware of you and your music. Fans have unlimited choices when it comes to music, so it’s extremely important to keep them aware of your music on a regular basis.

More and more, fans want to feel a direct connection to the artists themselves. So interacting with your fans not only keeps them aware of your music, but gives you the opportunity to solidify your relationship with them. Every time a fan makes a comment or asks a question on your blog or through social media, you have the chance to respond and make them feel like they’re an active part of your career. But if you don’t respond, they just might pay more attention to an artist that will.


As you solidify your relationship with fans and they start to feel like they’re going on this musical journey with you, some of them will become “super fans”. These are the fans that will buy almost everything you put out; from buttons to t-shirts, to limited edition items. They will also come to all your shows, and bring their friends too. But most importantly, these are the fans that are going to talk about you and promote your music and blogs.

'As a musician myself I know how important fans are and through the help of a website I was able to build my fan base bigger than I could ever imagine.' - Peean Knoqui
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